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The Library of Natural Medicine

Choosing a Natural Medicine Clinic in Australia: What to Look For and What to Avoid

Discover how prescription natural medicine clinics can facilitate accessibility to services for Australians and how they can streamline the process of accessing treatments.


Medically reviewed by
May 9, 2024
Why can’t we mention prescription medications by name?
In accordance with guidelines and regulations set out by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA), we are unable to disclose the names of our prescription treatments until you have completed a consultation with a Polln doctor and have been deemed eligible for treatment. Here at Polln, we prioritise your safety and well-being. These measures have been put in place to ensure that you are able to discuss all treatment options with a qualified medical professional who specialises in the prescription of natural medicines and can help tailor your treatment plan to suit your individual needs. All medications prescribed by our Polln doctors have been approved for use in Australia.
Why can’t we mention prescription medications by name?
In accordance with guidelines and regulations set out by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA), we are unable to disclose the names of our prescription treatments until you have completed a consultation with a Polln doctor and have been deemed eligible for treatment. Here at Polln, we prioritise your safety and well-being. These measures have been put in place to ensure that you are able to discuss all treatment options with a qualified medical professional who specialises in the prescription of natural medicines and can help tailor your treatment plan to suit your individual needs. All medications prescribed by our Polln doctors have been approved for use in Australia.
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Since the legalisation of prescription natural medicine in Australia in 2016, more and more clinics offering natural medicines and natural therapies have popped up all across the country. While more clinics means more choices for patients, more visibility, and more public recognition for natural medicine being a viable treatment choice for many medical conditions, the growing number of clinics can also make it hard for patients to choose a clinic to suit their needs.

It is crucial for individuals to find a clinic that supports them in their health goals. After all, the clinic you choose will directly impact your well-being, your patient safety, and your treatment's effectiveness. 

By making an informed choice, patients can access the potential therapeutic benefits of prescription natural medicine while also receiving professional guidance from qualified medical experts.

Today, we’ll explore what to look for when choosing a natural medicine clinic, teach you how to spot any red flags, explain the legal landscape surrounding access to prescription natural medicines in Australia, and give you the knowledge you need to make a well-informed decision.

Understanding Prescription Natural Medicine in Australia

While not as advanced as our Canadian and American counterparts, Australia has made significant strides in regulating the use of prescription natural medicine. In 2016, the Australian government amended the Narcotic Drugs Act, allowing for the legal cultivation and production of prescription natural medicine products, like dried herb. This change marked a crucial turning point in providing patients with access to alternative treatment options.

However, prescription natural medicine here in Australia is still subject to fairly strict regulations. Patients must meet certain eligibility criteria and obtain a prescription from a qualified medical practitioner to access prescription natural medicine treatments. 

Can You Get Prescription Natural Medicine From Your GP?

While you can choose to visit a general practitioner (GP) to access prescription natural medicine in Australia, there are several advantages to using a specialised natural medicine clinic to access advice and treatments. 

While GPs play a vital role in primary healthcare and are knowledgeable about a wide range of medical conditions, natural medicine clinics offer specialised expertise and a more comprehensive approach to natural-based therapies.

Some reasons to choose a specialised prescription natural medicine clinic include:

  • Expertise in prescription natural medicine: Natural medicine clinics are specifically focused on natural-based treatments, which means they have in-depth knowledge and experience in prescribing and managing natural therapies and natural medicine treatments - as well as the conditions and symptoms that could potentially be managed with natural therapies.
  • Access to Specialised Treatment: Certain natural medicine clinics provide access to a broader range of natural medications and treatment options that may not be readily available through a GP. This could include newer medications, treatments that may be conventionally more difficult to procure as well as uniquely compounded medications.  
  • Convenient All-in-One Appointments and Pharmacy Dispensing: Some specialised natural medicine clinics provide complete end-to-end care, meaning that patients can book and attend their consultations conveniently from home and have their treatments delivered to them. This can be especially beneficial for patients living in rural or remote locations.
  • In-Depth Understanding of Prescription Natural Medicine Laws and Regulations: Prescription natural medicine clinics stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving laws and regulations surrounding these medications in Australia. They can navigate the complex legal landscape, ensuring patients receive treatment in full compliance with relevant regulations and obtain the necessary approvals from regulatory bodies.
  • Holistic Patient-Centric Care: Some prescription natural medicine clinics adopt a patient-centric approach, focusing not only on the medical condition, but also on the overall well-being of the individual. 
  • Streamlined Medical Assessment: At specialist natural medicine clinics, the process of assessing a patient's eligibility for prescription natural medicine treatment is more efficient. The medical professionals at these clinics have experience in evaluating patients' medical histories and symptoms to determine whether prescription natural medicine and natural therapies are suitable options for their condition.

Some clinics also help all of their doctors become Authorised Prescribers (AP), which means that they have received approval from the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) to write natural medicine prescriptions. This focused approach can save patients time and reduce potential delays in accessing treatment.

However, it's important to note that consulting with your regular GP may be a good idea as a first step. Your GP can provide important background information and referrals to prescription natural medicine clinics and work together as a team for your healthcare needs.

Green Flags: What to Consider When Choosing a Natural Medicine Clinic

Before choosing a clinic, it’s a good idea to consider a range of factors to find a clinic that will provide the best care for you. Just like any healthcare option, there is a lot to consider beyond just whether or not your clinic can provide you with medication. Some things you may want to consider include. 

✅ Easy Accessibility: Just like with your local doctor's surgery, it’s important to choose a nearby or online clinic that won't add commuting stress to your regime. Depending on your circumstances, you may prefer a reputable online clinic that allows you to speak to your doctor from the comfort of your home. This can be especially beneficial if you live in a remote or rural location, or if you require frequent appointments or follow-ups.

✅ Highly Qualified Medical Professionals and Staff: Look for high expertise and qualifications of the medical professionals and staff at a potential clinic. It’s best to look for additional natural medicine qualifications or experience - bonus points if doctors are Authorised Prescribers. Look for doctors who are also Authorised Prescribers (AP) who have TGA approval to write natural medicine prescriptions — saving you time in receiving treatment. 

✅ Long and comprehensive consultations: When deciding on a clinic, make sure your doctors will take the time to fully understand your health background and needs. Some patients find that anything less than a 30-minute in-person or video consultation is not thorough enough. It’s also a good idea to consider how they make you feel — a supportive and compassionate team can enhance your treatment experience.

✅ Product agnostic clinics: Product agnostic clinics do not have vested interests in promoting specific prescription natural medicine products. As a result, the medical professionals in these clinics can offer unbiased treatment recommendations based solely on your medical condition and needs and have access to any medicinal products available in Australia. Their primary concern is finding the most effective treatment plan for you, regardless of which licensed producer's product it involves.

It is also essential to inquire about the sourcing and quality control measures of the natural medicine products offered. Legitimate clinics work with licensed producers and adhere to stringent quality standards to ensure patients receive safe and effective treatments.

✅ Easy Delivery and Treatment Access: Your clinic should provide fast and easy delivery options for your medication. Some clinics or GPs may only provide a prescription, leaving you to search for one of the scarce natural medicine-prescribing pharmacies to physically fill your script. By selecting an online clinic that includes delivery services, you’ll be able to access your medication quickly and easily every time.

✅ Good Clinic's Reputation and Experience: The reputation and experience of the natural medicine clinics are a good indicator of the quality of care they can provide. Research potential clinics online and look for patient reviews and testimonials to gauge the experiences of others. 

What Kind of Consultation Process Should I Look For?

When choosing a natural medicine clinic, look for one that provides a comprehensive consultation process and longer appointments. 

More face-to-face time (whether it be online or in person) during the initial consultation, means that your doctor will be able to conduct a thorough assessment of your health, medical history, and the specific symptoms you are experiencing. Anything below 30 minutes for a first consultation may not give your prescribing doctor enough time to understand your conditions and symptoms and write an effective, personalised treatment plan.

The clinic should provide personalised advice on the usage of prescription natural medicine, including appropriate dosages and potential side effects. Follow-up appointments and the option for adjustments to your treatment plan as needed are also essential elements of a reliable natural medicine clinic. These kinds of regular check-ins allow the medical team to monitor your progress and make necessary modifications to optimise treatment outcomes.

Red Flags: What to Avoid When Choosing a Natural Medicine Clinic

While the growing acceptance of natural medicine in Australia has opened doors to many legitimate and trustworthy clinics, it has also led to the emergence of some questionable providers. 

To protect your health and ensure a positive treatment experience, it is important to be aware of red flags that may suggest a natural medicine clinic is unreliable or may not provide a high level of care. Here are some warning signs to watch out for:

🚩 Not speaking with an actual doctor: When choosing a natural medicine clinic, make sure you always have access to speak to a doctor (whether it’s in person or over a video call). Some providers will only provide phone consultations or even text-based consultations. Make sure you are getting the quality of care you deserve. 

🚩 Product-specific clinics: A responsible natural medicine clinic should tailor your treatments to you. Avoid clinics that only prescribe one brand or type of treatment. Treatment decisions should be based on your medical needs alone, not about making profits.

🚩 One-size-fits-all approaches: Avoid clinics where doctors appear to have a one-size-fits-all method, who seem to write prescriptions for natural medicines without conducting thorough assessments. Each patient is unique, and a personalised treatment plan is crucial for optimising outcomes. Reputable clinics will take the time to understand your specific medical history, symptoms, and needs before recommending any treatment.

🚩 Unrealistic treatment promises: Beware of clinics that make unrealistic promises or guarantees about the effectiveness of prescription natural medicine in curing/treating specific conditions. While natural medicine has shown therapeutic potential for certain conditions, it is not a miracle cure for all health problems.

🚩 Slow or delayed medication delivery: Some natural medicine providers might not be set up to quickly dispense and deliver your medication. While this might not be a problem for some people, if you are living with chronic pain or a condition that requires timely treatments you may want to ensure that you choose a clinic with end-to-end consultation and expedited medication delivery.

🚩 Lack of transparency or vague information: Reputable natural therapy clinics prioritise transparency and education with their patients. If you find a clinic that seems evasive or avoids answering your questions or doesn’t have an emphasis on patient education, it could be a sign of potential issues.

🚩 Lack of referrals or positive patient reviews: A credible natural medicine clinic should have a track record of positive patient experiences. Look for feedback from previous patients about their encounters with the clinic. If you find a clinic with consistently negative reviews or a lack of positive feedback, it may be best to explore other options.

🚩 Unsympathetic doctors: A trustworthy clinic should have medical professionals who genuinely care about their patient's well-being and prioritise individualised care. Be cautious if you encounter doctors who seem disinterested, rushed, or lack empathy during consultations.

Tips for Making an Informed Clinic Decision

Like any healthcare choice, choosing the right prescription natural medicine clinic for your needs is a big decision that requires careful consideration. To ensure that you make an informed decision and find a clinic that best suits your needs, here are some essential tips to guide you through the selection process:

  • Conduct Thorough Research: Be wary of advertising or making impulsive decisions. Take the time to research various natural medicine clinics and look for reputable clinics with a history of positive patient experiences and a track record of providing quality care.
  • Seek Recommendations from Healthcare Professionals: Consulting with your other healthcare providers (including general practitioners (GP), naturopaths, nutritionists, or other specialists) can provide valuable guidance on natural medicine prescriptions and treatments. They may recommend reliable clinics or provide advice to ensure that your treatment plan aligns with your existing medical conditions/medications. 
  • Contact the Clinic First, If You Need: It’s ok to need a little more information than what you find on a clinic website. A good clinic will give you the option of calling their team to ask any questions you might have before making an appointment. This also helps you gauge the clinic’s approach and how they communicate with patients.
  • Compare Costs and Services Offered: Different clinics may offer varying services and pricing structures. Compare the costs of consultations, products, and any additional services provided. Remember: the cheapest option may not always be the best, so prioritise the quality of care and the reputation of the clinic over cost alone.
  • Evaluate the Consultation Process: A reputable clinic will conduct a comprehensive consultation that includes an in-depth assessment of your medical history, symptoms, and overall health. The medical professionals should discuss potential treatment options, address any concerns you may have, and tailor a personalised treatment plan based on your needs.
  • Trust Your Gut: At the end of the day, it’s important to trust your instincts and choose a natural medicine clinic where you feel comfortable and confident in the medical professionals' abilities. A caring and supportive environment can significantly impact your treatment experience and overall well-being.

By following these tips, you can navigate the process of choosing a natural medicine clinic with confidence and make an informed decision that aligns with your health needs and treatment goals. Your health is important, so take the time to find a reputable clinic that will support you and your health goals now and in the future.

The Bottom Line 

The process of choosing a natural medicine clinic is an important decision for many patients in Australia. By understanding the legal landscape, evaluating crucial factors, and being aware of both green and red flags, you can make an informed decision that supports your health needs and ensures a safe, effective, and compassionate treatment experience.

Remember that as everyone's medical background, health goals, and experiences with prescription natural medicine will vary, it is essential to select a clinic that will take the time to conduct a full medical evaluation and find the right treatment schedule for you. Armed with the knowledge and insights provided in this article, we hope you can prioritise your well-being and seek a reputable, caring clinic that will put your well-being first.  


Australian Government. (2016, March 8). The Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 2016 (Cth). Retrieved from

The information on this website is provided for educational and informational purposes only and not intended for use as medical advice. Polln is not promoting the use of medicinal cannabis. Medicinal cannabis in Australia is scheduled medication and regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Details about medicinal cannabis as a scheduled drug can be found on their website. If you would like to explore medicinal cannabis for your chronic condition, please consult with a doctor.

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